
      Driver:           Joe Hayes       
Birthday:       May 10       
            Birth Place:  Columbus, OH       
            Residence:   Mansfield, OH       

Joe's passion for racing goes back almost as long ago as Brian's.  He started out working
at dirt track races on the safety teams, both as a fire fighter and as medical staff.  Joe currently
works at the track as the NASA Great Lakes/Midwest Chief of Emergency Towing. He has
always had the dream of one day driving his own race car and that dream came true for
him when he purchased the Plymouth Neon that he drives at the end of 2005.

Joe has been competeing in the NASA Time Trials since the start of the 2006 season.
He won back to back regional championships driving in the TTF class.  He plans to get his full
competition license in 2008 and will either be racing his Neon in NASA's Performance Touring
class or will be moving along side Brian in the NASA Spec Miata class.


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